b'Farewell toAnne WellnhoferAnne Wellnhofer has been an important member of the Greenwood community since the schools doors opened 18 years ago. Anne will now start her new journey at The Country Day School where she will run their Environmental and Outdoor Education program.Throughout her time at Greenwood, Anne has been a great mentor, valuable coach, and incredible teacher. Her passion for science and for the outdoors ignited the same spark in so many of our students. We have been so fortunate to have Anne as a member of the Greenwood community and are forever grateful for her adventurous spirit. We wish her the best of luck on her new journey!Beautiful, strong, courageous and passionate are a few words that capture Anne Wellnhofer. Throughout her life experiences, travelling and venturing through the outdoors, coupled with her role as a pioneer coach, mentor, mother, facilitator and program designer, she is always ready for the next challenge. Fiercely independent, her journey has led her to appreciate and understand the value and beauty of being ones authentic self. Tiara Hillis, Executive Director, AdmissionsAnne is a self-described Swiss Army Knife. She is a woman who is determined, resilient, dedicated, creative and can always nd the silver lining in any situation. Her radiant energy draws in those around her and she brings warmth, compassion and empathy into each interaction. Anne has a remarkable way of creating a ripple eect wherever she goes. Her spark, drive and condence compel those around her to share her excitement and discover their own strengths. She will open a door to a new idea, a new perspective or a new challenge and that moment will stay with you long after it has passed. She helps you nd your passions and your curiosity and is by your side cheering you on when you take a scary leap into the unknown, whether its during OE, on the slopes, in the classroom, or in life.Vanessa Floras, Subject Team Leader, ScienceGreenwood3GRWD206_Evergreen_2020_v4.indd 3 10/5/20 11:47 PM'